What is RAD?
“The Rental Assistance Demonstration was created in order to give public housing authorities (PHAs) a powerful tool to preserve and improve public housing properties and address the $26 billion dollar nationwide backlog of deferred maintenance. RAD also gives owners of three HUD “legacy” program (Rent Supplement, Rental Assistance Payment, and Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation) the opportunity to enter into long-term contracts that facilitate the financing of improvements.” – HUD.org
A Proud Leader in RAD Development
Gibraltar Construction Company, Inc., is proud to be a leader in renovation, rehabilitation and new construction for RAD projects throughout the United States. From comprehensive RAD renovations and construction management, to renovation of specific areas with RAD projects such as bathrooms and kitchens, we are a trusted partner of housing authorities across the country. We are dedicated to supporting the goals of RAD in order to build new buildings, facilities and communities that improve public housing needs, along with quality of life of for the residents.
What Exactly Is RAD?
According to Hud.org, “The Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) is a program of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) that seeks to preserve affordable housing.
Public housing across the country needs more than $26 billion in repairs and many public housing agencies (PHAs) do not have enough money to keep units in good condition. RAD provides PHAs a way to stabilize, rehabilitate, or replace properties.”
How Does RAD Work?
RAD allows PHAs to convert a public housing property’s HUD funding to either:
• Section 8 project-based voucher (PBV); or
• Section 8 project-based rental assistance (PBRA).
This conversion of funding to long-term Section 8 contracts lets PHAs make needed repairs while ensuring permanent affordability for these units.
Only 225,000 public housing units can convert funding through RAD. PHAs must submit applications to HUD to get approval to convert some or all of their public housing funding to PBV or PBRA contracts.
Did You Know?
$4 Billion in construction has been achieved under RAD!
In addition to an impressive number of construction projects, RAD has helped create an estimated 75,000 jobs. For more information on the success RAD has seen in recent years, view this helpful PDF provided by HUD.
OUR RAD Projects
Browse examples of our RAD construction, renovation and rehabilitation projects. From small, detailed renovations, to major, comprehensive new construction RAD projects, Gibraltar Construction Company, Inc. delivers the very best experience from start to finish.